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699,99 euros

Descripción del servicio

🚀 Boost your job search with our exclusive offer. Get access to a Job Search Masterclass, CV templates and professional reviews to highlight your profile. Join our exclusive community and receive personalized advice, interview resources and networking. Plus, enjoy premium benefits such as LinkedIn PRO and career reorientation coaching. Benefits: 📚 Access to 140-minute Job Search Masterclass (pre-recorded, online). 📄 CV templates ✅ CV creation and revisions 🌐 Access to the exclusive community for clients. 📝 Motivational Letter creation and revisions. 📊 Creation and revisions of Business Case 🤝 4 (four) personalized career coaching sessions 💼 Interview Coaching Session and job interview resources. 🤝 Resources to generate job networking and contact networks 🔍 LinkedIn PRO: Your LinkedIn profile is going to shine! 🔄 Career Reorientation and Vocational Coaching coaching sessions. 🚀 Premium VIP Access to the Job Search Platform of the future: JOB SEARCH REVOLUTION Service. The 'Job Search Revolution' plan includes: ✅Access to 1 (one) hour online Job Search Revolution Setup Course. ✅Sequence templates for automation. ✅1 (one) personalized job coaching session for program setup and execution. ✅1 (one) month of support and follow-up from the Coach4Expats team. Are you ready to transform your job search and reach new professional heights with our exclusive DIAMOND service? Hire now and take off towards your career future!

Programa de doble carrera profesional: Apoyo en la búsqueda de empleo para el cónyuge expatriado durante el traslado a un nuevo país.

Localyze y Coach4expats se han asociado para ofrecerle más apoyo en el viaje de su cónyuge/pareja durante un proceso de reubicación.

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